Vampire Fest!
So much blood! Yikes! I just had a bunch of blood drained out of me for all the various non-Day 3 tests I hadn't done yet. But there was one redeeming factor to the experience - my husband had to get a lot of blood taken, too! Finally, we can share some of the pain ;) . As much as I tried not to watch, I couldn't keep my eyes from seeing the piles of rather large tubes, filled with my precious dark red liquid, as they meandered around the room, trying to stay focused on the rather uninteresting charts decorating the venue. There were two large tubes for each of us just for the DNA kit. I'm surprised I still had any left when I went back there this morning to do the fasting glucose.
We haven't heard back from our insurance yet, after I mailed them Dana's letter along with one from us and a claim form. I want to wait a couple more days, but not too long. We'll just pay it ourselves and get reimbursed if they decide to cover it, since we really have to get the PGD setup process started. I did my pap smear and cervical cultures with my GYN, so those are done now. All I have left is the HSG and the Day 3 tests, which I should be done with in two weeks. Then I'll be done with all the tests! I can't wait! Another nice thing I thought of, is that our children won't have to do many of these carrier tests, since both my husband and I are getting tested. It's one positive thing I can focus on.
Hi, I just found your blog from wikipedia. I'm 25 and my husband is 30, we have one child with a chromosome disorder for which I am the carrier. We're planning to do IVF w/ PGD in the next 1-2 yrs (need to buy a house first!) I'll be reading your blog with interest, and may start one of my own- good luck!
Best wishes to you as well!
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