My experiences of concieving our first child using preimplantation genetic diagnosis
Sunday, February 17, 2008
We're ON!
I took my first birth control pill last night! Wow! I really started! We're really doing this! I'm officially "on the drugs" now. I just have to get through the next month and a half, and then April 1st I'll be pregnant!
I'm 27 & my husband is 33, and we are ready to have our first child. When I tested positive for Incontinentia Pigmenti, a rare genetic disease, we knew that our children would need a little help to get started. After doing research, we found that we would have to do a PGD - Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis - on our embryos in order to be sure of not passing on the disease to our children. I wanted to read about other people's experiences going through the same procedure, but when I googled, I didn't find much. So, I decided to write a blog myself. I hope this helps other future parents that are planning to go through this procedure. If you have any questions for us, feel free to leave a comment and I'll get back to you.
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