So, here's the new plan (if you're counting, this would technically be Plan C now...): We taking a 3 month break to let my body recuperate after all those drugs and procedures. For the first 2 months we're going to prevent, then the 3rd month not prevent but not actively try. We're going to try naturally for 2 years. If I have another miscarriage or termination, then we'll try the PGD again. If I don't get pregnant after 2 years, then we'll also try the PGD again, since that would be the point at which I'd start taking medications to help conceive. If I have to take medications, I might as well do the PGD again. So that's the plan.
I'm determined to have my children. One day, I
will realize my dream of becoming a mother. I just really hope it doesn't take too long...I'm going to be more aggressive with our methods this time, while trying naturally, so hopefully it won't take a year and a half again. I'll keep updating this blog with our insurance reimbursement information so you can know how that turns out.