One of my blood tests - the test for CMV, came out positive :( . Fortunately, CMV is just a cold-like virus, and not a huge deal, according to my IVF coordinator. I don't like hearing that I'm positive for any more things though! IP is enough! She said that often you won't even have any symptoms with CMV, and it will just go away by itself in a week or two. She said I should test again in a month, and hopefully it will be gone. The reason they test for it is that unfortunately, it can cause birth defects, so I want to be sure my body has ousted it before I start the PGD cycle. I looked up
CMV: CytoMegaloVirus (si-to-MEG-a-lo-virus) . It can cause disabilities, down syndrome, neural tube defects, and things if you have it when you're pregnant! I definitely want to make sure it's gone! Most adults have been infected with it at some time, like the common cold. It doesn't seem to cause problems except during pregnancy, or in people with immune problems. CMV is the most common virus that's transmitted to the fetus during pregnancy. It's actually good that I became infected now, because if you have a first time infection during pregnancy, that's when it's most likely to cause problems. So now my body will be more immune to it. There's no treatment for it - just like a cold, and there's no vaccine for it. Basically, you just have to get over it naturally. I've been sneezing occasionally and what not, however it's winter right now, so I didn't really think much of it. Who knows if it's actually because of CMV or just random sneezes.
I'm still busy trying to get my test results sent to my IVF coordinator. For some reason it's very difficult to get a fax sent, and actually received, by different doctor's offices. Mary (my coordinator) finally has all of my test results (except of course I have to redo the CMV later), but she didn't get a couple of my hubby's tests, so I'm still trying to get those resent.
There were two prescriptions in my packet - one for prescription prenatal vitamins and another for the birth control pills. The rest of the medications Mary will send me herself from Chicago when the time comes. I already have prenatals that I really like (
New Chapter Organics Perfect Prenatal, if anyone's interested), so I'm not going to take the prescription ones, but Mary said I needed more folic acid, so I'm going to take an additional folic acid vitamin as well. I'm planning to pick up the birth control pills today, so I'll have them when I'm ready for them next cycle.
I'm going to keep extra warm and have some chicken noodle soup to try to get rid of this virus!