It's over. FAILED.
I can't believe it. After everything I went through...multiple injections every night, needles and probes invading my body, our savings emptied...and all for nothing. We went to the clinic this morning for my transfer, all excited and bladder full. We sat waiting for about 45 minutes. Then Dana came and called us back, and said, "I'm sorry, but I have bad news." Out of our 7 zygotes, 3 tested positive for IP. Of the 4 IP-free ones, 2 had chromosome problems. The remaining 2 simply didn't grow, for no known reason. 7, 4, 2, ... 0. There is always some percentage in every batch that has chromosome problems, and there's always some percentage that just doesn't grow. Unfortunately for us, the ones with IP, the ones with chromosome problems, and the no-growers all just happened to be different ones. They said it was just really bad luck. It doesn't mean that my eggs or bad or anything, just plain bad, horrible luck.
I'm really devastated. I feel like my whole life has just fallen apart. We did this procedure to avoid another miscarriage, but really it was just as bad, worse actually, with all the drugs, needles, and invasive procedures. Even emotionally it's just as bad, because it drags out for months and months. The steroid especially made me feel so bad physically. So we have 2 choices now, to try again naturally, or to try the PGD again. I've chosen to try naturally. This was no better than a miscarriage, so I'd rather keep my body healthy and natural than doing all these drugs and procedures again. If I have another miscarriage, then we'll try the PGD again. Neither recurring miscarriages nor the PGD is good for the body, but at least maybe I can switch back and forth to avoid getting too much of one thing...
I just can't believe this happened...I never thought we wouldn't even have any to put back... :(